Renewable energy is growing steadily around the world this year, while other parts of the energy sector, including oil, gas and coal, are experiencing a sharp decline due to the COVID-1 crisis. Renewable electricity production will increase by 7% this year, despite a 5% decline in global energy demand, the biggest drop since World War II. In general, the demand for renewable energy in the world in 2020 will increase by 1%. In 2021, the growth rate of installed RES capacity will be 10% and will be the maximum from 2015.
The energy balance of Ukraine includes a proposal to gradually reduce heat generation in the structure of annual electricity production from 27.5% in 2021 to 19% in 2029. At the same time, the share of RES increased from 14.4% (2021) to 28.4% (2029), as well as maintaining the role of nuclear power plants at 55%. 58%. This generation structure roughly meets the requirements of the European policy of "green" transition.
The use of non-traditional renewable energy sources reduces emissions of various pollutants, including greenhouse gases, compared to traditional energy sources. RES can also reduce local air pollution, improve air quality in cities and recreation areas. Modern solar panels are one of the ways to improve the environment. It is solar power plants that do not pollute the soil and atmosphere, unlike nuclear or hydroelectric power plants. The operation of a solar power plant does not affect the atmosphere. This is due to the fact that energy is generated through physical processes without harmful emissions.
Limited Liability Company "ZETULIA SOLAR" announces the launch of an open discussion (open hearing) on the need for the National Commission to carry out state regulation in the energy and utilities sectors of the "green" tariff for electric energy produced at the CPW Priozerna.
Comments and suggestions are accepted from Monday to Friday from 09:00. by 18:00 until October 17, 2017 (inclusively) at the address: Lviv region, Yavoriv district, Zaluzhya village, Zaluzhka village council or
An open discussion (open hearing) will begin at 12:00 on October 18, 2017, in the premises of the Zaluzhsky village council (village Zaluzhya)
Representatives of executive authorities and local self-government bodies, representatives of public institutions, local residents are invited to the discussion.
Date - 10/03/2017
Limited Liability Company "ZETULIA SOLAR" announces the holding of an open discussion (hearing) on the need for the National Commission to carry out state regulation in the energy and utilities sectors of the "green" tariff for electric energy produced at SES "Priozerna".
Open discussion (open hearing) held on October 18, 2017 in the premises of the Zaluzhsky village council (village Zaluzhya)
The Protocol (discussion) can be found at this link 10/18/2017